e-Commerce Brand Results

General Ecommerce Store

N26.2M in sales at a 15% Conversion rate

Through awareness, dynamic remarketing, cold search and split tests for this ecommerce brand, we have been able to generate over N26m in sales. 

Our strategy also includes continually testing for their most profitable products and figuring our which is more profitable for the business. 

Cosmetic and Beauty Brand

N4.5M in sales at a 6.12x ROAS

Relatable, this e-commerce store that deals with popular Korean cosmetic products came to us because of a drop in sales. In a month, we delivered a 6x Return On Investment for their advertising budget.

SkinCare and Wellness Store

7X return of advertising investment while paying less than $1 for a customer.

For a skin care and wellness brand, we set up a Performance Max and search campaign for them. The got lots of awareness and most importantly, they made over 100 sales in our first test campaign that lasted for 3 weeks.

Organic Merchant Center Growth - Electric Bike Brand

With SEO tools and strategies, this electric bike brand had a 16X growth rate in less than a Month

SEO strategies can be difficult to figure out. At the same time, it takes a lot of monitoring, competitor analysis and technical know-how. For this brand, we leveraged data directly from their business strengths and we were able to get them massive results and growth.

Mobile App Advertisement/Promotion

App Promotion - Fintech App

144,000 Installs in 1 year while paying less than a dollar for each new customer

It is one thing to have an idea and another to put it in front of users who are searching for your solution. With out multi-channel acquisition, we were able to manage the product of this fintech brand alongside their in-house team and delivered these massive results.

Android App Promotion - Payment App

28,000 Installs in 5 months with $0.1 paid per install

These results surpassed the teams’ expectations because of certain factors. As you can see from the graph, we first suffered a cost/install issue for which we re-strategized, fixed, and later gave these massive results.

iOS Campaign for GiftCard Company

89,2000 thousand Installs for small business owner

This promotion is for a fintech brand with. We consistently delivered on our promise for their brand over 2+ years of working with us. We have also used this data to grow their business massively in other areas which includes in-app action, SEO and ASO.

Lead Generation Campaigns

Lead generation for a service-led business

18,000 leads generated for a service based business

We used a strategy that we implemented for dentists, architects, and travel agents. The funnel includes lead sin-ups, call-scheduling and em-mail follow ups.

For a business with a demand like theirs, you only need to worry about having the manpower for delivery and client retention.

Sign-Ups for SAAS App

34,200 sign ups with $306,000

We do not just run app installation campaigns. We go the distance to ensure that people eventually use your services. With a sign-up of 34,200 people, we have realized $306,000 of conversion value for this SAAS client.

Looking for a digital marketing agency that actually delivers on its promise?

Book a strategy call and see if we are a good fit. We have a test month guarantee that offers the security of your investment while we test the strategy for your buisiness.